Coach Training

This is where you can find MTB 101 and MTB 201 classes, CPR, First Aid and CEU opportunities. Questions? Email

MTB 101/201

All coaches are encouraged to take MTB 101, but all level 2 and level 3 coaches are required to take it. MTB 201 is also encouraged to all coaches, and is a great way to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

We offer MTB 101 and 201 starting in the off-season. Email Terry with questions about 101/201.

Continuing Education Units

Once a coach holds a NICA Coaches License, they are required to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in order to maintain their license level. Level 2 coaches need 3 CEUs every three years, and level 3 coaches need 6 CEUs every three years.

We do not currently have any scheduled CEU opportunities, please email Terry with any questions about CEUs.


All coaches are encouraged to take a one-hour in-person CPR class, but level 2 and level 3 coaches are required to take it every two years. Most medical licenses are substitutes for our CPR requirement. 

Check out classes with:

Otis Guy in Marin

Capital City CPR across CA and NV

Leaders Summit

Our Leaders Summits are usually the first pre-season event for the league. This year, they will be held virtually in September, October, and December. Take a look at our Events Calendar to sign up. We will be updating our email list and social media with more dates for in-person Leader Summits.

First Aid

All coaches are encouraged to take a basic first-aid class. Level 2  and level 3 coaches require a NICA Approved first-aid class. WFA is required for level 2 and level 3 coaches if teams hold practice beyond 1 hour of definitive care. 

Check out classes with:

Otis Guy in Marin

Capital City CPR in CA and NV

The Lifesaving Professionals

Coach Retreats

NorCal League Coach Retreats are fun riding weekends in beautiful places with great people! These retreats are a way to build relationships while connecting and learning from your fellow coaches. The League handles all the logistics, cooking, cleaning, route finding, etc. All you have to do is sign up and show up. 

This year we’re hosting one MEGA Coach Retreat in Mendocino. Check back later for registration information.

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Coach Licensing Requirements