Coach Training
This is where you can find MTB 101 and MTB 201 classes, CPR, First Aid and CEU opportunities. Questions? Email
MTB 101/201
All coaches are encouraged to take MTB 101, but all level 2 and level 3 coaches are required to take it. MTB 201 is also encouraged to all coaches, and is a great way to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
We offer MTB 101 and 201 starting in the off-season. Email with questions about 101/201.
Continuing Education Units
Once a coach holds a NICA Coaches License, they are required to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in order to maintain their license level. Level 2 coaches need 3 CEUs every three years, and level 3 coaches need 6 CEUs every three years.
We do not currently have any scheduled CEU opportunities, please email Terry with any questions about CEUs.
All coaches are encouraged to take a one-hour in-person CPR class, but level 2 and level 3 coaches are required to take it every two years. Most medical licenses are substitutes for our CPR requirement.
Check out classes with:
Leaders Summit
Our Leaders Summits are usually the first pre-season event for the league. This year, they will be held virtually in September, October, and December. Take a look at our Events Calendar to sign up. We will be updating our email list and social media with more dates for in-person Leader Summits.
First Aid
All coaches are encouraged to take a basic first-aid class. Level 2 and level 3 coaches require a NICA Approved first-aid class. WFA is required for level 2 and level 3 coaches if teams hold practice beyond 1 hour of definitive care.
Check out classes with:
CEU Tuesdays
Our CEU Tesdays are coach-led online meetings that give you the opportunity to learn some cool and interesting things while earning CEU’s for your coach requirements.
Sign-up for our Coaches Newsletter
All fields required.
Coach Licensing Requirements
Take a look at the updated NICA Coach Requirements here.